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License Server Mail Notifications

There are certain license events during which the license server sends email notifications to specified recipients. Notifications can be configured to be sent when a license is generated, updated, disabled, enabled, validated, or re-disabled.

Additionally, there are license expiration events that include both "expired" and "will expire" notifications. As indicated in the events list box, you can set up email notifications to be sent when a license expires or when there are 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 days left until expiration.

The cloud license server comes with its own default SMTP server and sends emails from the address However, you can also add your own SMTP server or use any public SMTP server, such as Gmail or Yahoo, in the settings page. The cloud license server will connect to your SMTP server and send emails using the from address you have defined.

There are a few variables available that can be used in to, cc, bcc, subject and message fields to be replaced with actual values. {licensee-email} can be used in TO field so that an e-mail sent to customer once selected events occurd. The message body is a simple textarea, and the email content type can be either plain text or HTML. If the message starts with a doctype tag, the email content type will be set to text/html; otherwise, it will be set to text/plain. There are predefined simple message contents that will load when the corresponding button is clicked. The "Test Mail" button sends the email only to you, rather than to the addresses specified in the "To," "Cc," or "Bcc" fields.

LICENSE4J Notifications

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