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License Builder

The Singleton design pattern has been utilized to develop the licensing library. The License class encompasses all necessary methods and inner classes. The method License.getLicense().getBuilder() returns a Builder class, which is used to define the product hash value, license file, license registry location, and any required features.

// The only required parameter is product hash code
// given on license server Products page.
// Following is the minimal code to build the
// License instance. Default values for file
// and registry will be used.

// Following code use all parameters. file and registry
// used at the same time, so file location will be used
// on non-Windows systems, on Windows system registry will
// be used.
        .file(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/MyProduct/license.l4j")
        .feature("edition", "pro", License.FeatureComparator.STRING_EQUALS)
        .feature("version", "1.2.3", License.FeatureComparator.STRING_STARTS_WITH)

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