- Latest version 4.7.3 -
30 March 2019
License Manager GUI 4.7.3
- Fix error sending license with e-mail on Java 9+.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.7.3
- Fix error sending notification e-mail on Java 9+.
- Installer comes with OpenJDK 12.
- Third party library updates.
01 October 2018
License Manager GUI 4.7.2
- GUI and Runtime Library support for OpenJDK 9+.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.7.2
- Server and GUI support for OpenJDK 9+.
- Installer comes with OpenJDK 11.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.7.2
- Server support for OpenJDK 9+.
- Installer comes with OpenJDK 11.
- Third party library updates.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.7.2
- Installer comes with OpenJDK 11.
- Third party library updates.
11 May 2018
License Manager GUI 4.7.1
- GUI detects java 9 and 10 correctly at startup.
- New feature for floating licenses. Floating licenses can be defined to reject installation on floating license server which is installed on a virtual system.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.7.1
- Floating license server rejects license installation if license is not allowed to install on virtual systems.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.7.1
- Added two new configuration keywords TestJDBCConnectionBeforeUse and PrintJDBCConnectionInfo to debug JDBC connections.
- Improved error logging.
- Third party library updates.
14 March 2018
License Manager GUI 4.7.0
- Fixed floating license text modification error.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.7.0
- Import access control list from CSV file.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.7.0
- Fixed PostgreSQL database query error when online license key used.
- Third party library updates.
29 June 2017
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.6
- Fixed e-mail notification bug: e-mails were not sent to defined administrators when user e-mail is not defined in license.
- Third party library updates.
30 June 2017
License Manager GUI 4.6.9
- Added new share-it IP blocks to auto license generation settings.
- Fixed a timezone problem.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.9
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.5
- Fixed a timezone problem.
- Added license deactivation option. ALGAS license can be deactivated in License Manager GUI server settings window.
- Third party library updates.
28 February 2017
License Manager GUI 4.6.8
- Added form variables for license validity period, maintenance period and generation date to auto license generation settings.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.8
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.4
- Content-Type and File Name can be defined in manual activation and manual modification web forms. "ct" is variable name for Content-Type and "fn" is variable name for File Name. Simple example form link.
- Added support for license validity period, maintenance period and generation date form variables at auto license generation service.
- Third party library updates.
31 October 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.7
- Fix missing library required for "Export to Excel File" feature.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.7
- New startup parameter "configfile" when Floatnig License Server run on command line, "configfile" can be used to define a configuration file.
- There are four new configuration keywords: LicensePath, StatisticsDBPath, AccessLog, ErrorLog. Path to store licenses, statistics DB path, access log file and error log file path can be defined in configuration file.
- Third party library updates.
30 September 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.6
- New feature for Floating License Text type license: Define maximum number of instances for same user on same host.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.6
- New feature for Floating License Text type license: Define maximum number of instances for same user on same host.
- Fixed a bug which rejects floating license query runtime library connections.
- Third party library updates.
31 August 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.5
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.5
- Network address support added for AdminHosts configuration variable.
- Fixed administration GUI only installation problem.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.3
- Third party library updates.
30 June 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.4
- Added new feature to online license type license. "Allow Multiple Instances on Same Host" feature allows running multiple instances of software product without increasing concurrent license usage.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.4
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.2
- Added support for online license key feature "Allow Multiple Instances on Same Host" feature.
- Fixed manual deactivation in tomcat embedded server installation.
- Third party library updates.
30 May 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.3
- Fixed auto-refresh issue on Online.License4J folder.
- Added "overuse" feature to floating license text type license.
- Added "Allowed IP block" feature to floating license text type license.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.3
- Added "overuse" feature. A percentage value can be defined for a floating license, and server allows license usage for quantity + (quantity * percentage). Overused licenses are displayed on administration GUI and can be queried with runtime library.
- Server checks for allowed IP block if defined in license text. Defined IP blocks are signed into license text and cannot be modified by users.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime Library 4.6.3
- New ValidationStatus.FLOATING_LICENSE_OVERUSED is added, returns when a floating license text is overused. It means license is valid but overused.
30 April 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.2
- Fixed "Export to Excel" function (missing library added).
- Small SQL query improvements.
Floating License Server 4.6.2
- Third party library updates.
- Java update.
Runtime Library 4.6.2
- easyValidate method fixed; now runs on Java 1.6 also.
- Unhandled exception fixed. License Text length check added.
29 March 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.1
- Fixed missing e-mail header (sent date).
- Maximum number of characters for custom feature value is changed from 255 to 2048.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.2
- Fixed missing e-mail header (sent date).
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.6.1
- Third party library updates.
Runtime Library 4.6.1
- "CountOnEachValidateCall" Java system property defined to be used for floating license text and online license key. When it is set to true, each validate method call gets a new license from server on the same running JRE.
- "LicensingDebug" Java system property defined for debugging to print all exception stack trace during license validation, activation etc.
04 January 2016
License Manager GUI 4.6.0
- Recycle Bin added to products. Licenses can be permanently deleted or moved to recycle bin. To display recycle bin it should be checked on product menu.
- Up to 3 license tags can be defined for each license. Tags are used to organize licenses on left product menu and also to sort on license table (new columns should be enabled, right click on license table header). To display license tags on left tree it should be checked on product menu.
- Basic license use information (last time used, total use count) for all license types are displayed on license table (should be enabled on header pop up menu).
- License Use Tracking: with a runtime library method call (updateLicenseUseTrackingInfo and queryLicenseUseTrackingInfo), up to 255 key/value pairs can be send to server and displayed on license table (should be enabled on header pop up menu). See example13 in download package.
- License Notes: There is a free text area for each license to save some notes/information. Right click on license, and select license notes menu item.
- License table and product tree font properties can be defined.
- License table column settings are stored for each product.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.0
- Basic license use information update (last time used, total use count) for all license types is supported.
- License Use Tracking: Supported.
Floating License Server 4.6.0
- IP address is displayed on client table.
- If enabled, admin GUI auto connects on startup.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime Library 4.6.0
New methods:
See javadoc and example13.
18 November 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.5
- License table colors can be defined in table header right click context menu.
- License table displays a new column: Deactivations.
- Bug fixes.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.5
- Bug fixes.
- Performance improvement for online license key validation.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.5
- Bug fix: Server logging.
- Third party library updates.
6 October 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.4
- License template management window generates source code for validate method with all parameters for selected templates.
- License template management window generates source code for easyValidate method.
- Custom signed feature quantity can be defined for floating license text type only.
- Improvements on activation management window to check for existing activations.
- Fix for clone license on online.license4j.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.4
- Supports license availability with a web form submit (isLicenseAvailable).
- New config options for CORS. Used for manual actions and license availability check.
- Minor improvements for performance (online license key).
- Fix for license type check when validating online license key.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.4
- New feature: signed custom feature concurrent use quantity can be defined. Custom features can be checked out and released with runtime methods.
- A license with Hardware ID "ANY" is validated on all floating license server installations. Useful for trial floating licenses.
Runtime and Development Library 4.5.4
- easyValidate and easyValidateOnStartup methods are added. Both validates and if enabled activates license and save on disk. Single method for validation, activation, license file save and load. Both requires an encrypted string which License Manager GUI license template management window generates. A new example for easyValidate is available: example12 folder.
- checkoutFloatingLicenseTextCustomFeature and releaseFloatingLicenseTextCustomFeature methods are added to checked out and release custom signed features of a floating license text.
24 August 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.3
- Product restore function merges licenses if product already exists.
- Modification key management window refresh problem is resolved.
- Problem about license quantity in bulk license generation is resolved.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.3
- Modification key auto-generation problem is resolved.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.3
- Third party library updates.
19 June 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.2
- License String column added to license table. Right click on license table header to show/hide.
- SSL connection to MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server is supported.
- Database Storage Options window is completely redesigned to support saving multiple database server information (screen shot).
User information and quantity can be imported from a CSV file when generating licenses in bulk.
(CSV column order without a header: Full Name, Registered To, Company, E-Mail, Street, Telephone, City, Fax, Zip Code Country, Quantity) - PayPro Global is added to predefined payment processors list on auto license generation settings window.
- Predefined settings added to Modification Key auto generation settings window.
- License menu item Modify is removed. Modify Full and Modify Minimum menu items are added. Modify Minimum is same with previous Modify menu item; it modifies only license features which are not used in license signature. Modify Full menu item enables all license features so that they can be changed BUT it also changes previously generated license string.
- Java web application licensing by using servlets and JSP files example is added.
- Create table bug on PostgreSQL database server version 9.0 fixed (version 9.1+ is not affected).
- Modification key validity/maintenance period bug fixed.
- Fixed bug affecting local embedded database use on version 4.5.1 upgrade.
- Runtime library update to improve hardware ID generation.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime and Development Library 4.5.2
- Runtime library update to improve hardware ID generation.
- user-agent property used in online actions like activation, deactivation can be set with Java system properties.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.2
- Runtime library update to improve hardware ID generation.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.2
- Runtime library update to improve hardware ID generation.
- Third party library updates.
9 April 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.1
- Deactivation records are kept on activation management window if defined while generating license.
- Maximum number of allowed activations can be defined (MULTIPLE_DEACTIVATION_LIMIT_REACHED returns when limit exceeded).
- Activations can be deactivated or deactivations can be re-activated on activation management window.
- License features which are not directly used in license string generation can be modified for an existing license. "Modify Online License Key" menu item replaced with just "Modify" menu item.
Runtime and Development Library 4.5.1
- Support added for allowed maximum deactivation limit (MULTIPLE_DEACTIVATION_LIMIT_REACHED).
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.1
- Added support for maximum allowed deactivation limit.
- Added support to keep deactivation records.
- Fixed a bug affecting only manual activations.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.1
- License access control feature is improved; reject/allow rule can be defined for a defined time period on defined week days.
- Third party library updates.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.5.1
- Third party library updates.
27 February 2015
License Manager GUI 4.5.0
- Product update notifications and messages can be defined for each product. Runtime library has new methods to check for update from license server.
- Messages can be added for existing licenses, checked with runtime library method, and finally can be displayed to license owner.
- Activation step has a new field to define time offset from activation time if activated license text generation date/time is set to use activation date/time.
- Template wizard has a new field for license text to define time offset from current time.
- Online license key usage history can be disabled with new setting for license (Don't Keep Released License Usage Records)
- Added modification key feature to modify license validity and maintenance period after modification key generation date.
- Fixed GUI bugs in template wizard, login window, lost password window.
- Test license bug fixed (occurs when product edition and version is used in test).
- Test license window use new server URL for activation and online validation methods.
- HTML form (with Ajax or PHP) source is prepared as a starting point in license and modification key generation settings window.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime and Development Library 4.5.0
- New methods in License object: checkForNewMessage, checkForUpdate and checkForUpdateMessage to check for license message, new update and update message respectively.
- Fixed a bug (online license release request is not sent if license expired).
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.5.0
- Added support for product update notifications and license messages.
- Single server URL can be used for all runtime methods (autoActivate, modify, validateOnlineLicenseKey, etc.). The URL is http://YourServerName:Port/algas/
- License generation and activation process use time offset if defined in template or license.
- Online license key usage history is not stored defined in license.
- Notification e-mails can be configured for all server actions; e-mails can also be sent to users with defined e-mail templates.
- Performance improvement for online license keys.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.5.0
- Fixed bug (when a client is rejected, runtime library returns license not found message instead of rejected message).
- Rejected client feature is modified. Access restriction can be defined as either "allow" or "reject". If "allow" is selected, only defined client can get the license. If "reject" is selected, all clients can get the license except defined clients.
- Third party library updates.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.5.0
- Added support for product update notifications and license messages.
- Third party library updates.
16 December 2014
License Manager GUI 4.4.3
- Manage Online Key Usage window displays "additional info" for online license keys if defined.
- Improved "Test License" functionality; gives better sample source code.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime and Development Library 4.4.3
- New methods with an additional argument to validateFloatingLicenseText and validateOnlineLicenseKey is added to send maximum of 64 characters information to Floating License Server or Auto License Generation Server / Online.License4J about the client or product version details.
- Comments blocks is supported in license text and floating license text. /** and */ characters is used to add comment.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.4.2
- Added support for sent "additional information" for online license keys.
- JDBC connection pool settings can be controlled with configuration directives.
- Number of max/min Tomcat threads can be controlled with configuration directives for embedded Tomcat version.
- Third party library updates.
Floating License Server 4.4.3
- Added support for sent "additional information" for floating license text.
- License and client table columns can be hidden/shown with right click or View menu.
- Third party library updates.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.4.1
- Added support for sent "additional information" for online license keys.
- Third party library updates.
10 September 2014
License Manager GUI 4.4.2
- Fixed displaying incorrect number of customers (on customer view window).
Runtime and Development Library 4.4.2
getManualActivationRequestStringWithCustomHardwareIDWithUserInformation methods added. Methods enable manual modification and manual activation with custom hardware ID and modified user information.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.4.1
- Added a new role named Manual Modification. Modification requests can be sent manually to server.
- Fixed a bug about online license key expiration.
Floating License Server 4.4.2
- Server is modified to check for another instance running.
- Bug fix.
12 August 2014
License Manager GUI 4.4.1
- Some GUI bug fixes.
Runtime and Development Library 4.4.1
- Merge
- New methods to validate floating license text and online license key: validateFloatingLicenseText and validateOnlineLicenseKey. New methods support defining more than one server address separated with semicolon; client will use first available server and license.
- New FloatingLicenseCheckTimerHandler to get License object when handler run.
- More than one floating license server and license server for online keys can be defined in new validate methods.
- New validation status support ValidationStatus.FLOATING_LICENSE_CLIENT_REJECTED for rejected clients in floating license server.
Floating License Server 4.4.1
- Support for temporarily or permanently rejecting some clients based on username, host name or IP address.
- Advanced license usage time reporting. License usage time information is saved, and can be exported to excel files to easily draw charts. Sample data and chart for license usage time. Concurrent license usage count information also can be saved to excel files and scatter charts can be drawn to visualize concurrent license usage. Sample data and chart for concurrent license usage count.
- License usage time and concurrent usage count values can be directly displayed on charts ( example1 example2)
- Floating License Server Administration GUI bug fixes.
14 July 2014
Runtime Library
- There was an uncaught exception in online license key validation and license modification, fixed.
11 July 2014
License Manager GUI 4.4.0 download package updated due to an error in build process, download and install again if you downloaded version 4.4.0 on July 10, 2014.
10 July 2014
License Manager GUI 4.4.0
- Custom hardware ID support added. Any string can be defined as a hardware ID. Activation step in license generation wizard has required custom hardware ID selection.
- Special online license key generation support added. Any string (e.g. MY-ONLINE-KEY-ABC) between 5 and 255 characters can be defined as an online license key.
- Special modification key generation support added. Any string (e.g. MY-MODIFICATION-KEY-ABC) between 5 and 255 characters can be defined as a mofication key.
- Added expiration feature to modification keys; and a new modification status MODIFICATION_KEY_EXPIRED added.
- Customer list window added. There is a new menu item in product menu as "View Customer List"; it displays all customers in a table. e-mail address field is used to group licenses.
- License and Modification Key View windows can display multiple licenses and modification keys. When more than one license or modification key is selected and "View" menu item clicked, all licenses or modification keys will be displayed.
- License and Modification Key View windows can save displayed information to an HTML file.
- Activation View window can display multiple activations. When more than one activation is selected and "View" menu item clicked, all activations will be displayed.
- Activation View window can save displayed information to an HTML file.
- Main license table sorter improvement.
- Floating license supersede feature added; license generation wizard step for floating license updated.
- Third party library updates.
Runtime and Development Library 4.4.0
- Custom hardware ID support with two new methods: validateWithCustomHardwareID and activateWithCustomHardwareID. Any custom generated string can be used in validation and activation.
- License.releaseFloatingLicense() method added to release obtained floating license without closing running application. Normally obtained license is released when application is closed (when JVM is shutdown), this method may be used to release license due to some special requirements.
- Validation of any special modification key and online license key added.
- License.getFloatingLicenseServerVersion and LicenseValidator.getFloatingLicenseServerVersion methods added to get floating license server version.
Floating License Server 4.4.0
- Floating license supersede feature added. New generated floating licenses can supersede old floating licenses installed on floating license server if defined. So it is possible to enable/disable/replace a floating license with another floating license.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.4.0
- Added support for activation with custom hardware ID.
- Added support for special online license key and modification key.
- Modification key expiration is supported.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.4.0
- Added support for all new features in Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.4.0
10 June 2014
License Manager GUI 4.3.6
- Main license table renderer performance improvement.
- Hardware ID value is added to License Generation Settings window, so node-locked license can be auto generated with a HTTP POST request.
- License list, activation list and online key usage list can be exported to an Excel (xlsx) file so can be opened with Excel, OpenOffice and LibreOffice. The file will only include enabled headers on license table.
- Bug fixed. Incorrect allowed activation number may be set when a license is cloned.
- Third party library updates.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3.5
- Hardware ID value is added to License Generation Settings, server can generate node-locked licenses.
- Basic Online License expiration check is performed on server. In previous versions expiration check was performed by runtime library.
- Bug fixed. Access protection was logging connections even it is not enabled.
- Third party library updates.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.3.4
- Support for Basic Online License expiration check on server.
22 April 2014
License Manager GUI 4.3.5
- Better license, activation or modification key search. Found license is selected on main license table; if an activation string is searched, again found license is selected then activation management window opened to select found activation.
- Online License Key can be modified with License Manager. Users get the modified license on next license validation.
- License modification can be rejected for specific licenses on activation features step. (should be used for trial licenses with activation)
- License modification key can be dedicated to a specific license, so it cannot modify any other license.
- Java 8 support.
- GUI bug fixes.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3.4
- Support for online license key modification with License Manager.
- New role added; Modification Role to control license modification actions.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.3.3
- New license modification status values added.
- Some bug fixes.
Runtime and Development Library 4.3.6
- No changes. Version update.
Floating License Server 4.3.6
- No changes. Version update.
20 March 2014
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3.3
- Bug fix: Online License Key validation fail if new feature "Allowed Use Time Limit" is not set. It must be updated if using online license key.
14 March 2014
License Manager GUI 4.3.4
- Allowed Usage Time Limit for Online License Key Floating Over Internet is implemented; manage online license key usage window displays all removed clients as grayed-out; old clients can be removed permanently.
- Added allowed activation number coefficient definition to license template generation wizard.
- Generated licenses can be sent through a defined SMTP server.
- License availability check method also checks for activations on server.
- A new example application is added. It includes obfuscation ANT task to obfuscate both runtime library and application.
Runtime and Development Library 4.3.4
- Support for Allowed Usage Time Limit for Online License Key Floating Over Internet is added.
- License availability check method modified to check for activations.
Floating License Server 4.3.4
- Bug fixes.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3.2
- Added support for allowed activation number coefficient definition in license template.
- Allowed Usage Time Limit for Online License Key Floating Over Internet is implemented.
- License availability check method can search for activations.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.3.2
- Support for license availability check for activation is added.
- Some bug fixes.
16 January 2014
License Manager GUI 4.3.3
- Enable/Disable product feature added.
- Added ability to create database on configuration window.
Floating License Server 4.3.3
- Bug fixes.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3.1
- Enable/Disable product compatibility added.
- Access security settings feature added.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.3.1
- Added feature to use an http proxy server.
- Bug fixes.
12 November 2013
License Manager GUI 4.3.2
- Bug fix: Look and Feel problems on Mac OS.
- Bug fix: Modification key management window, bulk key generation bug fixed.
- Cut/Copy/Paste context menu added to all text fields.
Runtime and Development Library 4.3.2
- checkOnlineAvailability method added to check for deleted (blacklisted) licenses.
- Bug fix: Floating license validation method bugs fixed.
Floating License Server 4.3.2
- Bug fix: Floating license usage check timers fixed.
- Bug fix: License usage count error fixed occurs when many clients request license at about the same time.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.3
- License Availability Check role and related notifications added.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.3
- License Availability Check support added.
10 October 2013
License Manager GUI 4.3.1
- Bug fix: Product selection error when Online.License4J connected.
- Bug fix: Product and license management errors when embedded database is used.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.2.1
- Bug fix: Some database connections cannot be closed after activations.
26 September 2013
Runtime and Development Library 4.3
- ModificationStatus enumeration class added for license modification keys.
- New autoActivate method to modify user information while activating license.
- New autoDeactivate method to deactivate an activated license.
- New modifyLicense method for license modification keys.
- Usage limit for online license key.
License Manager GUI 4.3
- License modification keys implemented.
- Bulk license and modification key generation.
Floating License Server 4.3
- Connected clients can be dropped in administration GUI.
Auto License Generation and Activation Server 1.2
- Installer for both Windows and Linux with embedded Tomcat and Java is available.
- Auto modification key generation added.
- New role added: Auto License Deactivation.
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server 1.2
- License deactivation support.
- License activation with user information support.
- Version number changed to 1.2 to go in sync with License Generation and Activation Server.